Alternatively, send us an email or visit our Contact Page!

Our Website Design & Development Process

Here at Eligos Development, we have a process our service follows to ensure everything is handled properly and in a hasty manner.

Request a Quote

Step 1) Request a quote via our Quote Page OR the PDF Version.
(send back via email or in-person)

Step 2) Receive an initial quote & agree on a price based on your budget.

Step 3) Sign & Return the Quote Document.

Statement of Work & Contract

Step 1) Receive & Sign the Statement of Work and Contract Documents

Step 2) Return the signed Contract and Statement of Work

Homework Package & Deposit

Step 1) Send the initial 40% deposit in order to start ANY work on your website.

Step 2) Receive the Homework Package which includes basic list of items we require
from YOU, the client, in order to start and complete your website.

Initial Design (optional)

Step 1) Discuss and agree on a website design and layout.

Mock ups can be created for an initial fee which includes a one-page mock up, with an additional charge per extra page.


Step 1) We will start development on your new website and keep you updated
along the way.

Step 2) Perfect, Revise, Test, Repeat.
We allow up to 2 revisions on your website, more details are stated
in the contract.


Step 1) We will send you an invoice and contact you at the same time to confirm
you have received it.

Step 2) Receive the final payment from client.

Migrate & Launch

Step 1) We will login to your webhost and upload your website files and change any
webhost/domain settings necessary to ensure 100% compatibility and
optimization with your new and amazing website!

Step 2) Final Testing & Official Launch!

Follow Up

After 7 days of your website launch, we will fix any problems, errors, spelling errors, etc. If you do not contact us within the 7 days, we will follow up and make sure everything is running smoothly before letting you free into the cyber world!